The Zimbabwe Land and Agrarian Network is an initiative developed by SMAIAS in 2012 with the support of the Norwegian Organisation: Norwegian People’s Aid (Norske Folkehjelp) to address the institutional challenges of access and representation which currently limit the degree of formal recognition given to problems which most significantly retard growth in the Small Farming Sector.
The Network’s primary role is to provide a platform for the articulation of problems affecting the Small Farming Sector after Land Resettlement. Working with key actors the Network’s mission is to facilitate development and implementation of equitable agrarian policies and promote sustainable land use through information exchange, policy analysis, capacity development and dialogue.
The Network objectives are:
- to facilitate dialogues by providing platforms and correcting/addressing uneven power relations in policy making;
- to develop an independent advisory service to government, local authorities, the private sector and international organisations in management of land and agriculture;
- to support capacity building (human resource development, institutional strengthening and policy reform) in the land and agrarian sector;
- to develop an information support service for state of the art information pertaining to all aspects of land and agrarian issues;
- to promote the use of applied research in the area of land and agrarian issues.
The Network has mobilised researchers, policy analysts and activists in the search for policy solutions to land and agrarian issues. The necessary systems and procedures for the professional operation of the Network have been put in place. Members of the Network are farmers’ and growers’ representative bodies, NGOs and other organisations whose work involves the Small Farming Sector. Financial and business organisations including International actors such as the FAO also participate in regular dialogues.
A 3 year strategy has been put in place to address the Network’s objectives.