Agrarian Summer School 2020_ Concept Note & Call for Papers

The changes within the contemporary global political economy have had an uneven impact on different regions and social groups. This unevenness arises out of historical deprivation as well as diverse manifestations of the penetration of capitalist enterprise into hitherto non-capitalist territories. Such a process of expansion and adaptation of capital to new social settings is as old as colonialism itself since the voyages of Christopher Columbus and has resulted in the simultaneous underdevelopment of the countries of the South. It has also led to a reconfiguration of ecologies and spaces by capitalists so that they could benefit and profiteer to the detriment of a large mass of oppressed ‘indigenous’ people and other subjugated races and castes. Hence, any study of this phenomena should recognise that the categories of ‘indigenous’, ‘race’ and ‘caste’ are complex and have diverse meanings across countries and continents. One of the aims of this Summer School is to explore and provide a window of analysis into these complex meanings and processes. Clink link for more details

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