The South-South thrust of the SMAIAS’ work over the past decade has culminated in the formation of the Agrarian South Network with African, Latin American and Asian scholars to conduct comparative studies on Agrarian Transformation in the South, policy dialogues and publishing. The key partners of the Agrarian South Network include: Rhodes University and University of Cape Town (South Africa), University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Civil Society Organisation – HAKIARDHI (Tanzania), Action Aid India and Trust for Community Outreach and Education (South Africa); universities in Brazil (Brasilia and Belo Hoizonte); and Jahwaral Nehru University (India).
The Summer School and other interactions provides an opportunity for researchers and activists in the Agrarian South Network to meet. These also enable the continuous mobilisation of growing interest from other parts of the continent not yet represented on the network such as Lusophone Africa (Angola; Mozambique) and other Francophone African countries such as Mali and Senegal. The network is composed of over 50 scholars who are actively involved in agrarian research mostly in Africa: from East-; West- and Southern Africa, Latin America (Brazil; Bolivia) and Asia (India). To date two published books: (i) Reclaiming the Land (eds Sam Moyo and Paris Yeros) and (ii) Reclaiming the Nation (eds Sam Moyo and Paris Yeros) and the journal: Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy (Sage) have been the key achievements of the Network alongside the convening of five editions of the annual Agrarian Summer School.