The Agrarian South Journal of Political Economy was launched in 2012  to renew the debate on the Agrarian Question and respond to the challenges of the 21st century; notably food, energy, climate and economic crises.  The Journal promotes research on a variety of issues related to agrarian change, land use and global agriculture, whilst also contributing to the development of autonomous thinking in the South.  It is published quarterly.

The editorial board headed by Professor Sam Moyo is made up of prominent scholars whose work in the past decades has played a major role in clarifying the economic, gender, labour and social issues at stake, in the Continents of the Global South.  They include: Praveen Jha (Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi), Marcelo Rosa (Adjunct Professor of Sociology, University of Brasilia, Brazil), Dzodzi Tsikata (University of Ghana, Network for Women’s Rights in Ghana (NETRIGHT) and current Vice President of CODESRIA) and Paris Yeros (Adjunct Professor of International Economics at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), São Paulo, Brazil.).  These and advisory board members of the journal are also key figures in our Agrarian South Network and regular contributors to our Agrarian South Summer School.

The thematic areas which the Agrarian South Journal deems fundamental are:

  • The role of Rural and Land movements in Democratic, National and Global struggles
  • The unequal integration of Southern Societies and Agriculture in the World System
  • The Construction of Alternative Development Strategies towards a multi-polar, just and sustainable world.